Archival Pennhurst Images

Halloween Dance, 1970
Halloween Dance, 1970
The "Halloween Freak-Out," held in Penn Hall on October 30, 1970.
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Regina 4/23/2020
This could have been the section of Pennhurst where residents could have been able to do independent and self care task to some extent. The expose done by the news reporter showed the area with resident who needed 24/7 care and could not do basic task. Two different Pennhurst, same era.
I can only assume that these pictures were staged unless this was b fore this institution became a hell on earth for those most vulnerable souls. Write ups are whitewashed. No mention of murders sexual assaults that took place. These buildings should be torn down souls put to rest.
Love your comment....Its fitting....
Sky Man2/26/2010
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.